Autor: Frederick W. Kagan

Iraq: Is the Escalation Working?

American military forces in Iraq are now entering the second phase of their kinetic operations even as political efforts continue on a separate but linked track. Ambassador Ryan Crocker and General David Petraeus are in the midst of a multi-faceted program that will not proceed in a linear way and will not generate clear and consistent metrics in all of its phases.

por Frederick W. Kagan, 4 de julio de 2007

Slow-motion Tet. Al Qaeda is counting on sapping our will, and persuading America to choose to lose a war it could win

Last week, a group of tribal leaders in Salah-ad-Din, the mostly Sunni province due north of Baghdad, agreed to work with the Iraqi government and U.S. forces against al Qaeda. Then al Qaeda destroyed the two remaining minarets of the al-Askariya mosque in Samarra, a city in the province. Coincidence? Perhaps.

por Frederick W. Kagan y William Kristol, 25 de junio de 2007

No abandonar a los iraquíes

Al Qaeda no piensa que Irak sea una distracción de su guerra contra nosotros. Al Qaeda está segura de que Irak es el frente central, y lo es.

por Frederick W. Kagan, 5 de junio de 2007

Congress Gives In On War Funding. Now can we fight the enemy?

The war over the war in Washington is quiet for the moment. Congress has finally appropriated funds for America's warriors without setting a deadline for their defeat. Now the president can turn his undivided attention to fighting the enemies who are attacking our soldiers.

por Frederick W. Kagan y William Kristol, 29 de mayo de 2007

El tamaño necesario para el Ejército norteamericano

Ganar en Irak y Afganistán, ganar la guerra global contra el terrorismo, disponer de las armas y hombres para reaccionar a una crisis nueva, son tareas que Estados Unidos y su ejército afrontarán en los próximos años.

por Frederick W. Kagan y Tom Donnelly, 29 de marzo de 2007

After Londonistan

Today, Britain has more than a million and a half Muslims. A million live in London, where they make up an eighth of the population. They are not just the refugees and tempest-tossed laborers of the developing world, large though those groups may be. London's West End is full of Saudi princes and financiers, and journalists and politicians from around the Arab world; its East End is home to erudite theologians from the Indian subcontinent, along with some unhinged ones.

por Frederick W. Kagan y Tom Donnelly, 29 de marzo de 2007

All We Are Saying . . .Is Give Petraeus a Chance

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has returned from her visit to Iraq with a bold (if not entirely new) recommendation: Congress should vote to cap the number of U.S. forces the president can deploy to Iraq.

por Frederick W. Kagan y William Kristol, 29 de enero de 2007

Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq. Phase I Report

Failure in Iraq today will require far greater sacrifices tomorrow in far more desperate circumstances. Committing to victory now will demonstrate America’s strength to our friends and enemies around the world.

por Frederick W. Kagan, 7 de enero de 2007

We Can Put More Forces in Iraq . . .

Many months into the debate over finding a new strategy in Iraq, two myths continue to cloud the discussion. The Washington Post recently proclaimed: 'The United States and its allies in Iraq would need at least 500,000 and perhaps more than 1 million troops' to bring order to the country. Incoming House majority leader Steny Hoyer declared: 'As a practical matter, there are no troops to increase with.' Neither of these statements is true. The persistence of these myths forecloses serious consideration of the only option likely to bring peace to Iraq.

por Frederick W. Kagan, 1 de diciembre de 2006

Time for a Heavier Footprint

Before coming to Washington, Abizaid had spent several days in Iraq, consulting with the military commanders on the ground. Considering the importance of this testimony and the effort Abizaid made to prepare for it, it is unfortunate that he offered an inadequate proposal for change in response to the deteriorating situation in Iraq.

por Frederick W. Kagan y William Kristol, 29 de noviembre de 2006

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